Saturday, 28 June 2014

Tooth Fairy Pillow

Well after making a couple of very large quilts ( which Sue now has the job of quilting!)
I decided to have a go at some smaller projects.  Up popped a free pattern on the Fat Quarter Shop with a tutorial on youtube and inspiration struck!  A Tooth Fairy Pillow.  You put the tooth in one of the sail pockets and the fairy puts the money in the other.

My first pillow was made with fabric I had in my stash.

However, after putting a picture on facebook one of my friends at work said she would like one for her little boy.  Well I just didn't have any suitable fabrics, sooo... yes an excuse for a little internet shopping and I found the perfect combination on Cotton Patch. Storybook by moda that will do I thought and the next day it arrived.
So version two was born.

Well I did buy some more pink in storybook so now we are onto number three!

Monday, 23 June 2014

July Cheerio Block for Siblings Together.

Well July is my month for the Siblings Together sewing Bee.  I have decided on a fun and easy block published by Camille Roskelley in the  Love Patchwork and Quilting Magazine Issue 8.

So here are some quick and easy instructions for making the blocks.

You will need:
Four 5'' Squares
Four contrasting 23/4'' squares
Ten 23/4'' white squares
One 23/4'' x 71/4'' white strip


  • Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner on 8 of the white squares.
  • Place one the top left corner and bottom right corner of each of you 5'' squares.
  • Stitch along each line
  • Trim
  • Press open


  • Sew the remaining two 23/4'' white squares to the contrasting 23/4'' squares and press open
  • Sew the last two contrasting 23/4'' squares to the white strip.


  • Join the blocks in three rows


  • Join the three rows together and press.
  • And there you have it a  block.
  • Unfinished size is 11 3/4 (finished 11 1/4)


Saturday, 7 June 2014

Catching Up!

Well I seem to have been too busy to sew and today was the first chance I have had all week!
First on my list was the blocks for the Wishes Quilt Along.  Having still not done May and June was already out I had two to do. Luckily they were pretty easy and I soon had them finished.

Wishes Quilt Along

Wishes Quilt along2014

Then it was onto my block for the threadbias Hive 8.  This month we were asked to make a purple and grey star.  We were given quite a few patterns to chose from.  I chose a paper pieced hexagon that I haven't tried before.  It looks a bit lopsided to me but when I measure it, it is even so not sure if it is right or wrong.  Oh well it looks quite nice.

threadbias hive 8

Now to get on to finishing all those other projects I started!