Sunday, 25 May 2014

Funny Old Day!

Well today has been a strange day.
Spent most of it sewing at the local quilt group monthly meet. 
Managed to get my blocks done for the siblings together quilt in the morning.

siblings together june
Then this afternoon I started sorting out all my bear's paw blocks for Gill's quilt.  All I have to do now is add some strips in between and around the outside and it will be complete.  It has been fun to make but I must say I'm not sure I want to sew another bear's paw!! However I love this bit where it starts to come together and actually become a quilt.  Sue says I can quilt it myself on the longarm too so another challenge to look forward too!

gill order 2
gill order1
Then sadly this afternoon we had to say goodbye to Cressie our lovely lagotto. She was diagnosed with kidney problems at Christmas and we thought we would lose her in December. However, she rallied and has been enjoying life for a little longer. Sadly she went down hill rapidly in the last few days so today we decided it was time to say good bye. We are going to scatter her ashes down at St Ouen's beach her favourite place!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. That must have been hard. Still she had a very good life.
