Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Paper Pieced Star

Well I made these before for myself but I decided to do some for one of my sewing bees. This is the first one finished.  Unfortunately I had to go back to work today so had less time to sew!
Needs must I suppose.

4x5 Modern Sewing Bee Hive#7

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Fat Stash Brit Bee

One of the most exciting things about belonging to a sewing Bee is waiting for that envelope to come through the door at the beginning of the month and finding out what the project is.  This month not only did I get to make a block I have never made before but we got chocolate too!
This is what arrived through the post:

Fat Stash Brit Bee

Only problem was I didn't really have suitable scraps.... so guess what a quick trip over to Sue's and I raided her scrap basket and returned with some great bits and pieces.
It really was a very easy one to do and I seem to have finished it before May has even started!

Fat Stash Brit Bee

and that includes the chocolate!

Monday, 28 April 2014

Sewing Bees

4x5Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1
4x5Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1

Well I joined a couple of sewing Bees. It has been a fantastic way to meet new people and make new friends. However, I didn't have my brain in gear and managed to make one set of blocks totally the wrong size! Luckily they were too big so Sunday was spent editing them down and today they go in the post. I hope my team mates from 4 x 5 Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1 like them. Fingers crossed!

4x5Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1 4x5Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1 4x5Modern Quilt Bee Hive#1

This is all new to me!

Well everyone seems to blog these days so it's time to join! Each week I hope to put up pictures of my quilting projects. Today I started Gill's Quilt. Gill is my lovely sister in law and she has chosen the bear-paw block. She really likes a quilt she saw on flikr by Angela Yosten so that gives me a good guide. Vintage Inspired Bear Paw Quilt The fabric she has chosen is Bonnie and Camille's Scrumptious which is lovely. Only problem is I hadn't realised it was going out of stock so I am grabbing all I can find! My first stack arrived today so time to go sew!